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主题:Sam Brown - Stop

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等级:青蜂侠 帖子:1326 积分:3396 威望:0 精华:15 注册:2004-11-11 22:27:34
Sam Brown - Stop  发帖心情 Post By:2011-3-6 11:27:37 [只看该作者]

All that I have is all that you've given me
did you never worry that I'd come to depend on you
I gave you all the love I had in me
now I find you've lied and I can't believe it's true

Wrapped in her arms I see you across the street
and I can't help but wonder if she knows what's going on
you talk of love but you don't know how it feels
when you realise that you're not the only one

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart
you'd better stop before you go and break my heart
ooh you'd better stop

Time after time I've tried to walk away
but it's not that easy when your soul is torn in two
so I just resign myself to it every day
now all I can do is to leave it up to you

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart
you'd better stop before you go and break my heart
ooh you'd better stop

Stop if love me
(you will remember)
now's the time to be sorry
(that day forever)
I won't believe that you'd walk out on me

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart
you'd better stop before you go and break my heart
ooh you'd better stop





对歌手一无所知,一查之下才知道这是一首很老的歌,首播于1988年,也是Sam Brown的代表作


  2楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:侠圣 帖子:8266 积分:13773 威望:0 精华:13 注册:2003-6-20 15:39:38
  发帖心情 Post By:2011-5-8 22:07:30 [只看该作者]





[此贴子已经被作者于2011-5-8 22:10:20编辑过]
